Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well, I started having these shots every night and was supposed to have them for two years - to build my bones due to the osteoarthritis. I began having deep back and hip pain, so bad I couldn't lay anywhere in my bed!! I emailed my Dr. and he sent me a prescription for physical therapy. It wasn't helping, in fact I was getting worse and now feeling like I had the flu really badly and a headache too. I also noticed depression setting in! I talked to my physical therapist and during the conversation it dawned on me that this started two weeks after starting the shots. I emailed my Dr. again who told me to stop the shots for two weeks and if I didn't feel better it wasn't the Forteo shots. After missing just two shots the deep pain was gone! I am not having the shots again!!! I still don't feel really good but I know I have 8 more days before the two weeks are up. I figure when we get back from St. Louis after Thanksgiving I should be okay, if not, off to the Dr. I go to see what is up! I believe it is still side effects! Gotta BELIEVE!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our Ancestors

I have had a great time since signing into the new Family Search program last Friday. Most interesting has been to see that my father, who is a convert to the church through my mother has more pioneer heritage than my mother did. My father's Grandma had the maiden name Wixom. the work has been done so I could follow it and figure some things out.My great grandmother was born in San Bernardino and both her parents were born in Jackson County Missouri - Independence. His parents were born in upstate New York and apparently joined the church not long after it was established and followed the prophet to Missouri. All of these people came to California by ship and then went to Salt Lake City and were then sent to San Bernardino. They didn't leave when most of the Saints left and the church pretty much disappeared for some years. So my grandma never knew about her mother being a Mormon. I am glad her work is done! Then, yesterday as I followed the family back I found that the Wixoms were in Plymouth in the 1600's. I'd like to know which ship they came on - that makes our family one of the first to settle in America. From there it goes back to England. I am thankful for family that chose to come to this land, probably for religious freedom, all those years ago. And look what happened after that! Some of the first members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - pioneer heritage. Isn't that great stuff?

glad it's over!

Today has finally come and it makes me very happy! The election will be done with, over, kupute! 3 years of campaigning, YES! Hillary started 3 years ago, is just too much! I am so tired of the negativity on both sides of everything. So, the election is today - and over. No more sick chicken and cows on my TV, no more Gay rights and who should and shouldn't be married, no more I am smarter and better than you , but I won't tell you how or what makes me that way! It's over - for what , one year, one day, one week? Those regular TV ads and an empty mailbox sound pretty good to me!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween in Hemet 2008

Well, another Halloween celebration at Kim and Gary's home in Hemet, CA. We had chips and dip, hotdogs, tortilla soup, chili, good old sugar cookies, cake, soda and lots of FUN!!! The kids were all dressed so cute and hundreds of trick or treaters came for treats given out by Grandpa and Grandma and a few other little helpers while the kids were out trick or treating. The guys - the normal sports and politics talk. A good time had by all!!

Hemet Halloween 2008